Fake, Battle, and Polls

I have got to say I am sick of the Democrats’ 4 year dictatorship and their Fake ‘facts‘ , their internal and external battles (Democrats eat their own), and the lying polls used to agitate and divide people by their regressive (self-proclaimed Progressives and Socialists).

Who Initiated the Climate Change hoax to agitate the people? Democrats, remember Al Gore’s epic nothing movie? 

Who Supports Self Neutering or Mutilation or Surgical Sterilization for Males and Females including children instead of working with them to discover potential cases of Skoptic Syndrome https://psychotherapy.psychiatryonline.org/doi/abs/10.1176/appi.psychotherapy.1990.44.2.204?download=true&journalCode=apt and alternate therapies and/or causes.Isn’t it just another way to control the population growth and create disharmony?

What Party is supported by donations via Food & Fake Food producers and distributors?

What Party supports the Fake Citizens aka Illegal Aliens who are using up GenX’s future Social Security & more in the way of retirement benefits. Citizens pay in, illegals are given a pass to collect all they can by……. you guessed it.

I might have to add to this entry periodically because there is a hefty and costly plan being foisted upon Americans in so many dangerous ways. What did you pay for a gallon of milk last week?

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