Category Archives: Finances

O’s Social Security Administration Attacks the Elderly!

Reprinted by permission, knowing full well the source personally…

The Force

2014-7-09 Wednesday EMOM’S MOUNTAIN NEWS

Welcome home, dear hearts, welcome home! Get in here and sit! I have a HEADS

I had planned on giving you the ‘good’ news update about my battles with
SOCIAL SECURITY ASSN. I truly believed that it was taken care of… Then,
March 2nd this year I find a huge deposit from SSA in my savings account…
This is the second attack in less than a year. First attack involved NO
money at my end! I have the records to prove all of this! Well, with a lot
of help from the caseworkers in State Congressional Representative Harold
Rogers office. (Bless their hearts… such good people) The screwed up
situation finally got unscrewed…

I received a letter from the local SSA office advising that none of the
above was my fault… I received an apology of sorts from a very nice lady.
I sent the ”deposit” as required certified mail containing a cashiers
check! I sent the check thru emergency overnite delivery. I have the signed
receipt card and have sent copies of it out to the world!!!!!! Cashiers
check was received and signed for on the appropriate date. All done by the
end of May.

Now, the fun begins… On Monday, the 7th of July, I recieved another letter
from SSA (third time in the last twelve months) advising me that I will NOT
receive any monies from SSA until February 2015! Not lying or exaggerating
here… this IS the truth! That I have been overpaid by Xnumber of dollars
and they will be taking the funds away….

I have naturally contacted my Caseworker at the Congressman’s office. She
has all the copies of this recent fiasco! If I really had all this money I
have allegedly received, I would have more than enuf to buy an ATV (4
wheeler) with all the trimmings and build a garage on the mountainside. I’m
talking thousands!

I am going public with this to give fair warning to others who might end up

Sorry about this but I feel I need to warn others… So, I am off to do
Battle again… Take care all of mine… go in safety always. Remember that
being good and honest doesn’t always pay… lolol

Many hugs, much love and lots of lafter each day… meems, the TerMOMinator

Honesty, Integrity, retired Police Officer, and My Mommy! Any questions America? Guess who has additional copies, hmm…

What About Mayflower Arkansas?

and other areas of Arkansas recently hammered by one long tornado riddled path of April 27?

But Arkansas gets nearly $100,000 for housing counseling all over the state but noticeably missing from the affected areas, hmm? I wonder who is profiteering? It’s not as if, housing and money, are a regular Democratic gaming tactic… or just wait a minute…. I remember…

Free Land and Homes… Now Free Money in Arkansas via Senator Mark Pryor’s Assist!

hmm… 2011 &  mismanagement continues today?

Remember in November, Arkansas, to reject the slacker Pryor – he has only been helping himself!

If You Can Sing the Theme Song to Welcome Back Kotter…

…then you are a true ‘Baby Boomer’!

It was #1 on the charts during this week in 1976. Baby Boomers were wearing flared jeans, and synthetic or silk shirts and blouses, and spinning on the floors dancing (discos were starting to pop up across the nation) the night away.

We were multi-talented, not multi-tasking, by holding down a job, getting good grades in school, and campaigning for Gerald Ford’s election. Sadly, we ended up with Carter.

Now we are enduring Carter on steroids. It’s round 2 of high food prices, high gas prices, housing problems, lack of jobs, poor domestic policies and even worse foreign policies. Yes history does repeat if you are around long enough to see it!

To Amy White – Way to Say it Girl!

So when the Spectacle-in-Chief wants a photo op in Arkansas, what can be done?

Amy White calls him out with a grand petition

We the people of Arkansas do not want or need Barack Obama in our state. He has never been here or paid us any attention. Our tornado victims have already been through way more than anyone should have to endure.. they do not need another storm of media and secret service and everything else a visit from a President entails to upset their destroyed lives. We respectfully ask that he send the money that would be spent visiting here to reconstruction efforts and stay away. We do not want him here and we do not like being used as a photo opportunity.

and Amy signed it first!


Girl, if I was still in Arkansas, I would TEA Party with you!

Land Grab or How Wind Projects in Wyoming May Spell Disaster for the Bald Eagle

Does the following volume of Bald Eagles (our National Emblem), and as reported via the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, appear to be adequate to the state of Wyoming and therefore to The United States of America?

Population Status: population size is restricted but extirpation is not imminent; minimum number of breeding
pairs statewide is 139; although the recovering population has expanded, it is not expected to exceed 200 nesting
Limiting Factor: Habitat (and Human Activity): limiting factors are severe and continue to increase in severity;
species is highly sensitive to human disturbance during nesting; habitat loss and fragmentation are resulting from
energy and housing developments in riparian zones of major river corridors, which are significant and increasing;
increasing recreation pressure is occurring in nesting and foraging habitat. High mortality of large, old trees may
also reduce available nesting structures along some river corridors in the future.

Not alone in thought as Wyoming Energy News is keeping pace with the delayed/not cancelled projects at Chokecherry and Sierra Madre.

wyoming energy

Not even addressing the public vs private land deals or land grabs, what costs will be incurred with placement of wind turbines throughout, and what will be the damage to Elk, Mule Deer, and Pronghorn Sheep migration/routes, let alone the other large birds and their nest areas? Does the BLM believe that adequate signage will be observed by the flora and fauna?

Is it that there is GOLD in ‘them there hills’ or is it the streams? According to Wyoming Gold Panning Carbon County where the wind projects will occur finds that

…Other counties where gold has been found in considerable quantities are Albany, Carbon, Crook…

…Public lands are controlled by the BLM (Click Here) or the National Forest Service (Click here). If you plan on dredging, you must obtain a permit from the Wyoming Environmental Department. Contact the designated authority for more information including maps and regulations before you go out…


And vital information on costs aka more waste fraud and abuse by GOVERNMENT AGENCIES 

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Let’s be fair on the cost… projected is/was $4-6 Billion… let’s work with $ 5 Billion and divide that by 1 million homes, it will at the least a minimum of 100 years to regain the costs of this project “BY THE NUMBERS” without repair and/or maintenance! And the numbers are provided by the Bureau of Land Management!

Pre-Civil War Lynch Farm in Arkansas is a Land Grab

It’s time to get RED in the RED State of Arkansas in particular…

Benton County, in the NW corner of the state, is under Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Park Need which aims to runs roughshod over Arkansans by words

…(d) Any entity granted a certificate pursuant to subsection (b) of this section shall have the right of eminent domain as provided by Arkansas law for the limited purpose of constructing the certificated major electric transmission facility to the extent that the facility is located within a national interest electric transmission corridor…

and deeds

This is the SWEPCO Plan and Route Areas, approved in 2011, by the Arkansas Public Service CommissionSWEPCO is now seeking to modify the original ‘transmission facilities’ routes,  including decreasing the full use of Shipe Road and further increasing the use of Route 33. What will be the newly adjusted cost of this major project change, what will be the cost to the local Flora and Fauna, and what about Arkansans?

Without agreement, SWEPCO is in the process of  a Land Grab in Arkansas. Becky Gillette details the plight of the Lynch family farm in SWEPCO land grab begins.

She nails the crux of the matter in the following passages

…the future of the 110-acre farm, now in a family trust owned by Zola Lynch and her six children, is in doubt. The family received a visit from an American Electric Power (AEP)/Southwestern Electric Power Co. (SWEPCO) representative March 11 who presented paperwork for them to sign by the end of the month waiving their rights to notification and voluntarily giving SWEPCO a right-of-way easement for a high voltage transmission line through their land that would require metal towers 130 to 160 ft. tall to be built after clearing a 150-ft. right of way…

…SWEPCO has filed a petition for a limited re-hearing with the APSC requesting instead to use SWEPCO’s favored Route 33 that goes entirely through Arkansas on a route from Shipe Road in Benton County to near the Kings River north of Berryville…

Speak up now or forever will ye be fleeced!

Sen Grassley’s Common Core Curriculum Kibosh Request

Via a Dear Patriot Friend’s email today…

Please call US Senators and ask them to sign on to Senator Grassley’s letter to discontinue funds for Common Core. I suggest you read the attached letter and then call US Senators’ office. Ask them to sign on to the letter and ask how you can send a copy directly to their email. Let them know you will be calling Sen. Grassley in a week to see what Senators have signed the letter. Then please make sure you do just that. If your Senators have not signed the letter call them back and if they are up for election (IE Sen. Lamar Alexander, Sen. Marco Rubio etc.) remind them you will express your displeasure at the ballot box in November if they do not support Senator Grassley efforts.

The Letters



Stopping/reversing the Common Core Curriculum and Obamacare implementations should be tied for first position on every American’s bucket list. If politicians won’t comply justly WE THE PEOPLE will replace them, via the ballot box, until they get it right!

Uncommon Knowledge Discussing the Washington Mudslide & Data Mining

Uncommon Knowledge 03/25 by PRNRadioNetwork | Radio Podcasts.

Both are destructive events!

Saline County, and in Particular Benton… Are You Kidding Me?

in Arkansas

Nov. 12 Sample Ballot for Benton initiatives

Let the rest of the county tax themselves into slavery to the government… but I want to hope that everyone in Benton is Taxed Enough Already! Wasn’t the Obamacare clenching  and wrenching away of your billfold enough?

Vote Smart tomorrow! TEA Party Prevail!

Time for The Battle Hymn Of The Republic – Glory, Glory, Hallelujah! AMERICA AWAKENS!

Long Overdue!

“…The truth is marching on…”