Fake, Battle, and Polls

I have got to say I am sick of the Democrats’ 4 year dictatorship and their Fake ‘facts‘ , their internal and external battles (Democrats eat their own), and the lying polls used to agitate and divide people by their regressive (self-proclaimed Progressives and Socialists).

Who Initiated the Climate Change hoax to agitate the people? Democrats, remember Al Gore’s epic nothing movie? 

Who Supports Self Neutering or Mutilation or Surgical Sterilization for Males and Females including children instead of working with them to discover potential cases of Skoptic Syndrome https://psychotherapy.psychiatryonline.org/doi/abs/10.1176/appi.psychotherapy.1990.44.2.204?download=true&journalCode=apt and alternate therapies and/or causes.Isn’t it just another way to control the population growth and create disharmony?

What Party is supported by donations via Food & Fake Food producers and distributors?

What Party supports the Fake Citizens aka Illegal Aliens who are using up GenX’s future Social Security & more in the way of retirement benefits. Citizens pay in, illegals are given a pass to collect all they can by……. you guessed it.

I might have to add to this entry periodically because there is a hefty and costly plan being foisted upon Americans in so many dangerous ways. What did you pay for a gallon of milk last week?

Oh! Doh Biden

I so love Gab! I shut down my Twitter and Facebook accounts. I am not missing them at all! Thanks Doh! And speaking of the Edict Addict, my little spin on Gab this evening regarding his verbal crazy edicts on floods.

If he said it, he should back it up…. Joe Biden (absurdly) promises fewer fires, floods, and hurricanes if he wins in November.

Look at Kentucky…….. I can see the Kentucky River where it shouldn’t be in Lee County ……. Joe Biden 1st Dictator by de facto of the USA …. I give you Doh Biden!

Hmm, a Flood…. Looks like another Biden failure to lead from his behind.

Back & Ready to Blog – If He Isn’t Mr. Potato Head – Delete Him From Toy Story & the Misses Too

If he isn’t Mr. Potato Head and you only call him Potato Head…….. now I am offended.

Oh but that’s okay because I am white and a woman!

Anyone with Irish ancestry won’t be buying into the gender bender b###s###.

Eradicate him, his wife, and kids from every Toy Story Movie. Kids will love it right?

Do Capitol Hill Seattle Mindless Minions Recognize The Charlatan BLM Raz?

A con & his con-fined space will soon be parted once the conned realize their leader is misleading them!

Eyes In The Northwest

Yup, your old buddy, pal, & leader runs an under-priced room in Edmonds! What is this all about? I am sure everyone would feel safe in this gun-toting man’s home. Know your Airbnb destinations……..please! Click on the pic to explore more details.

Screenshot 2020-06-16 at 12.27.32 AM - Edited (1) Landlord

Was fully set and prepared to sell overpriced full face-covering masks (where are they made?) on a site securing one’s identity along with his self-promoting umbrellas. Click on the pic to explore the site.Screenshot 2020-06-16 at 12.31.46 AM - Edited (1)


From the Wayback Machine… the cover for ‘one of his music releases’ is propped with an undressed child wearing a crown of thorns, titled Baby Jesus? That isn’t no baby, it is not Jesus, but what an abuse of words and staging! SICK!

Screenshot 2020-06-16 at 12.40.32 AM - Edited How Close to Child Porn is This

From the Wayback Machine….Not afraid to disclose his future aspirations on this release.

Screenshot 2020-06-16 at 12.43.06 AM - Edited Future Plans

Self-serving opportunist or paid to play? You…

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Heroes Matter Always!

It was changing of the banners today here in the hills of Kentucky. There was a daughter taking pride in capturing her father’s banner going up.

It’s been many years since she was a youngin’ and her daddy was on Earth, but you never forget the contributions of those that came before us. God Bless her father’s contributions to these The United States of America!

Celebrate Flag Day and Pledge Your Allegiance

US. Flag

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

God Bless America!

Voting in Kentucky

First time voting in the State of Kentucky. Even the sticker after voting goes all out with an image of the state…. refreshing!


I got up early… not too difficult after the weekend where the time ‘fell back’…and went to the local Fire department to vote. I also tweeted and gabbed my vote, back to blogging here for a moment, and still have almost an hour before I punch in to work. Nice!

Progressives aka Socialists Getting Boots on the Ground for Mid-Term Elections

If you think that Progressives are not already in scheme mode, then go back to sleep. Patriots can never rest. While looking through a major job board this evening, I clicked on an interesting job offer link that left the original site and connected totally through Google… hmm? I won’t detail the original site but you can see it within the redirected link in the screen capture below


The live link to read the job description, and for which Progressives will have a novel approach gathering a bounty of names nationwide for ‘some purpose (wink wink)’, can be viewed on District Director Field.

Patriots don’t let Patriots down!

Expose these harvesting tools of the Progressive Trolls!

How Cold Is It This New Year’s Day?

Even icicles are taking cover under mountain ledges to warm up…


Happy New Year’s “YOU ALL”!

The Idiocy and Downfall of David Leavitt Who Should Have Left-It Alone

Eyes In The Northwest

If you were not paying attention to the Liberal Loon Media Presstitutes, trying to grab their 15 minutes of fame & flame over the Manchester mass attack today, then you missed the idiocy of David Leavitt on Twitter. His ‘jokes’ were beneath contempt and

Screenshot 2017-05-22 at 5.55.21 PM

several hours passed where later he boldly claims to have deleted the offensive ‘joke’, while in mid-stream of his tweets, he didn’t have a clue as to why the influx of numerous comments that his account was receiving. Note – Twitter informed him!

Screenshot 2017-05-22 at 8.43.35 PM

Really David? Deleted because so many people asked? What part of smart are you? Clueless in Cyberspace springs to mind! Well there’s no chance of the typical Leftist “I misspoke, I was hacked, etc. etc.” excuses. Mr. Leavitt, past tensing your name is the omen that potentially speaking… should have notified you that you should have LEFTITT alone!

And just a tip… you can delete it…

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