Daily Archives: March 28, 2011

Obama or Gates? Who Speaks the Truth?

Watch President Obama’s Full Speech on the U.S. Mission in Libya

Beginning at the 1: 32 minute mark- “…Mindful of the risks and costs of military action, we are naturally reluctant to use force to solve the world’s many challenges. But when our interests and values are at stake, we have a responsibility to act. That is what happened in Libya over the course of these last six weeks…” Obama stated.

Hillary Clinton cuts off Defense Secretary Gates to protect Obama on Libya Vital US Interest Issue

Response to question of “…Secretary Gates…Is Libya in our vital interest as a country?” from Gates was beginning at the 0:05 minute mark- “…No, I don’t think it’s a vital interest for the United States, but we clearly have interests there, and its a part of the region which is of vital interest for the United States…

It is so past time to press for arrests to end the distress upon the US, when these morons can not even get their stories straight in 24 hours. God Help the USA!

Yellow Journalism Dares to Charge Online?

As Breibart confirms today, the NY Times begins charging online readers. Now why would anyone pay for a left leaning and slanted perspective of news especially within cyberspace? Obviously, the Times is one hurting rag!

I can learn more truth reading a jar of peanut butter. When will the hacks in the sack for Obozo learn that they are the most untrusted source of world news? Hit them hard, keep your money!