Daily Archives: March 2, 2011

A Patriot’s Past Weekend Trip To Madison Wisconsin in All its Gory!

C & M, our eyes on the ground, at the State Capitol in Wisconsin this past weekend as reported today & a h/t to Frank:

This trip was informative! Found no friendlies!

The protesters caught the “GOLDEN GOOSE”, cleaned the goose, cooked the goose, than ate the goose! There is nothing left! They drank all the beer too!

Enjoy the photos. The last one is best!

Minion slobs

Overpaid Whiners

MTI losers on parade & at the rear... priceless

Culture... more like lack of class

Should say busted... for the Sheboygan litterer

What no donuts to perk them up?

Duh... that which stinks in Wisconsin is on his own head!

It has become quite apparent that there is no pride in performance or appearance by the buffoon goon squads that are union minions in Madison Wisconsin. How can one’s self-esteem disappear… join a union! You can’t hide from that lack of pride! Artificial desperation doesn’t denote patriotism, it sports the Socialism Tag!

But There’s No Difference in Reporting?


Two U.S. Airmen Killed in Shooting at Germany’s Frankfurt Airport


2 killed in Germany airport shooting, police say


h/t to Hubby!

The Shaking Quakes in Arkansas

The memorable earthquakes that I have experienced:

I was in Ohio, a good distance from the epicenter in Kentucky. However the ripple effect was felt quite intensely in Dayton. This was the first earthquake that I experienced in my adult years and all of the awareness of true danger.


Ah… the Whittier-Narrows… I was right in Long Beach, California. The devastation was wide spread and quite significant. Now the danger I felt was for my children and so five months later we left California for a more stable environment!


Who knew Arkansas would begin a consistent pattern of earthquakes that appears to be alternately growing in intensity? Of course, this is where I am, right in the thick of it. What was mind blowing, the other night, was the fact there were two potential natural catastrophes converging in Arkansas. Now Arkansans are going to have to make storm cellars that are earthquake proof too!

February 28 - March 1 2011 Arkansas Storms & Earthquakes


It is always good to understand the enemy Arkansas Earthquake Information as they show no signs of stopping.

Yesterday 3.3 Arkansas Map
Yesterday 3.3 Arkansas Map
2 days ago 4.7 Arkansas Map

This is could be the wake up call as FoxNews reports Earthquakes in Arkansas May Be Man-Made, Experts Warn.