How Many Paul Reveres Does Modern America Need Before You Believe, Hear and React?

We have had and heard from Terry Lakin

We have had and heard from Mano Bahk

We have had and heard from Theresa Cao

We have had and heard from Donald Trump, not just once, but a second time?

Let’s not forget how many lawsuits have been filed, how many times and who it was that called Obama a liar, and all the destructive to treasonous moves that this administration has made upon the United States of America?

Who in the military will finally step forward and arrest this faux person, bogus POTUS, and usurper?

The Patriots have been good and patient and law-abiding, while the monstrous left and union minions assault this great country with every hateful, injurious, and verbal attack that they are instructed to perform. The DHS & DOJ are deplorable tentacles dancing to the buffoon’s tunes as well. Our Dear Military, WE the Patriots,  have protected this country under adverse conditions and it still stands tall like Lady Liberty. We await your arrival home, even as you are positioned in harm’s way and under no Commander in Chief, as he has surrendered his military leadership to the UN. Please use all the caution that you can muster until you reach America’s shores, realizing that DHS has pegged one and all returning military as extremists!

One response to “How Many Paul Reveres Does Modern America Need Before You Believe, Hear and React?

  1. Pingback: What Does the Use of the Obama Autopen Prove? « Bobbi85710's Mouth in the South

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